About us

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The staff of Pruzhany district health care system consists of 109 physicians, including 2 pharmacists, 10 dentists and 590 paramedics. Pruzhany district health care system consists of:

  1. Pruzhany Central District Hospital (bed capacity is 360, 459 visits per shift);
  2. Ruzhany District Hospital (bed capacity is 75, 122 visits per shift);
  3. Shereshevo Hospital (bed capacity is 40, 106 visits per shift).

The ambulatory care is offered in 28 specialties.

Besides, medical care is provided by Sukhopol Nursing Care Hospital (bed capacity is 25), Novye Zasimovichi Primary Care Clinic, Linovo Primary Care Clinic, Lyskovo Primary Care Clinic, Khoreva Primary Care Clinic, Novoselkovskaya Clinic, Klepachi Clinic and 34 First Aid Stations.

We have implemented the following diagnostic and treatment methods within the last two years:
